LO - traduzione in Inglese
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LO - traduzione in Inglese

Lo (disambiguation); LO (disambiguation); L.O.; L.o.; Lo.; L O; LO

Struggle of working people (political party)
Los Angeles         
Los Angeles, LA, large city and seaport on the southwestern coast of California (USA)
Los Alamos         
Los Alamos, community in north-central New Mexico (USA); U.S. military research site located in New Mexico, location where the first atomic bomb was developed


Lo and behold or lo is used to emphasize a surprising event that is about to be mentioned, or to emphasize in a humorous way that something is not surprising at all. (HUMOROUS or LITERARY)
He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released...
I looked and lo! every one of the fifteen men who had been standing with me had disappeared.
CONVENTION [emphasis]



Lo may refer to any of the following:

Esempi di pronuncia per LO
1. - Lo necesitamos, - TambiГ©n nosotros lo necesitamos,
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
2. J-Lo.
My Career in Phases _ Paul Scheer _ Talks at Google
3. and, lo and behold,
4. >>Anita Lo: That's awesome.
Our Chefs Journey _ Anita Lo and April Bloomfield _ Talks at Google
5. ALLEN LO: Great.
AAPI in the Public Eye _ Bill Imada & Kathy Ko Chin _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per LO
1. LO Holding entend bien faire fructifier ce capital.
2. Projections de films aux thermes de Lo';che–les–Bains.
3. Goethe a raconté son séjour ŕ Lo';che les bains/Leukerbad et sa randonnée lŕ–haut.
4. Il a dautres solutions devant si le joueur de lO Marseille déclare forfait.
5. En Valais, Saillon, Ovronnaz et Lo';che–les–Bains ont fait des émules.